Dominick M. Bianco

Dominick M. Bianco


Visionary Leader Championing Ocean Conservation

Dominick M. Bianco, the esteemed CEO of Kubera Technology Holdings Corp. (KT Holdings Corp.), brings his visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship to his role as an officer of Clean Oceans, a nonprofit organization dedicated to combating ocean pollution and promoting sustainable practices for a cleaner, healthier planet.

With a distinguished career spanning multiple industries, Dominick has consistently demonstrated his ability to drive innovation, foster growth, and create lasting impact. As the helm of KT Holdings Corp., he oversees a dynamic network of companies pushing the boundaries of technological advancement across sectors such as digital marketing, immigration services, healthcare technology, testing and evaluation, and gas detection solutions.

Beyond his corporate achievements, Dominick’s passion for making a positive difference in the world shines through his philanthropic endeavors. His partnership with Clean Oceans reflects his deep commitment to environmental conservation and his recognition of the urgent need to address the critical challenges facing our oceans.

As an officer of Clean Oceans, Dominick leverages his strategic acumen, influential network, and resources to amplify the organization’s impact and reach. He actively supports Clean Oceans’ multifaceted approach to tackling ocean pollution, which encompasses cleanup initiatives, awareness campaigns, community engagement, and the development of innovative solutions.

Through his leadership, Dominick aims to inspire individuals, businesses, and communities to adopt sustainable practices, reduce their environmental footprint, and contribute to the collective effort of protecting our oceans for generations to come. His unwavering dedication to this cause serves as a powerful catalyst for change, rallying support and driving meaningful progress in the fight against ocean pollution.

With Dominick M. Bianco as an officer, Clean Oceans gains not only a visionary leader but also a passionate advocate for environmental conservation. His commitment to creating a cleaner, healthier planet through his work with Clean Oceans exemplifies the power of combining business acumen with social responsibility to drive transformative change.